Friday, September 7, 2012

How Ironic

See the date of this post? Check the date of the previous post. That's right...2 years. And guess what? Not a lot of progress. What's good? I'm walking 3 miles most days. Not every day, but more days of the week than not usually. Weight hasn't crept up too much. Blood sugars are doing pretty good. My Husband is a major inspiration, as he has lost 70lbs so far. I'm so very proud of him. I'm surrounding myself with people also trying, and succeeding, in losing weight and getting healthier. What's bad? Weight has crept up about 15 lbs from my lowest weight since diabetes diagnosis. Still having issues with food. Not as active as I should be (I can procrastinate with the best of them). Still not as consistent as I should be with medicines. Should be sticking to a 1400 calorie diet. I hate accountability. Really hate it. Maybe that's why I haven't kept up with this. But you can always start over, right? AAANNNDDDD, now I have help :) I've invited 2 friends to help me post. They are also some of the people helping keep me moving, and inspiring me to try harder. So Shea and Lynn will be posting now and then. We hope to add humor, recipes, inspiration and report personal successes and failures in hopes of keeping it real. And lets hope we post more than once every 2 years.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to the routine...but not a great start

After a weekend filled with company, friends, photography, wine and food, it's time to get back to a routine of working out. It's been 5 days. I HAVE to get to the gym today. Planned on going this morning. But here I still sit because now it's too late to go before I go volunteer at the ADA office.

I really want a nap.

I really need to go work out.

I HAVE to go after the ADA today.

But I really want a nap.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Ok, so when I started this, I actually intended to use it. Didn't really happen. However, now I need to get serious, and I have...sort of. I'm diabetic. Understanding that and actually dealing with it appropriately are apparently 2 different things. I have no problem dealing with it. I do seem to have a problem controlling my food appropriately. Big surprise. I've done better for sure. I am down 13lbs. I am going to the gym 2-3 times/week. My A1c is down from 9 to 7. All positive moves.

So maybe if I start using this thing more than once very couple of years, I will start making myself accountable for my actions, and maybe it will help me lose some more weight.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Since it's been about a month since I posted here, I think the correct conclusions can be drawn as to how the dieting is going. NOWHERE

However, today we start anew with a new purpose. Rob and I both NEED to lose weight. It's not easy, especially when I TRY to be good and have a small(er) bowl of cereal, no sugar added, and a banana, and now I'm starving and it's only 10:30. PLUS, forgot to bring my lunch. So what to do???? It's hard to grab something quick that is somewhat healthy....especially when there are so many other quick things I would rather have.

I have to find a way to get a grip on this. Don't know how, but I have to.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I know I can do this

I came to a realization today.

3 years ago I ran 13.1 miles in the Disney Half Marathon. I'm not a runner. I wasn't much thinner than I am now. All I had going for me was determination. There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to apply this same determination to dieting. No, strike that....making a lifestyle change.

Problem is, the marathon had an end. I knew that once I hit that day in January, and I had finished my 13.1 miles, I didn't have to run ever again if I didn't want to.

Changing the way you eat, though, is a LIFETIME thing.

Why is this so hard?

I must say, for some reason the girl scout cookies don't have the allure that they usually do. They are still in the house. Even the thin mints. I have a few, but then I'm done with them.

I like my jelly beans. I like my occasional chicken fried steak smothered in gravy with mashed potatoes. I like my bagel in the morning smothered in cream cheese. I like my pasta (not to mention it is an easy thing to fix for a family). Moderation doesn't seem to be a term that applies to these items in my book. Not sure why.

Positive changes I have made? There are a couple.

For my afternoon chocolate/sweets craving, I bought a bag of Snickers bite size. Even if I have 2 it isn't the same as an entire candy bar.

Still trying to limit sodas. Working on it.

Last night's dinner wasn't bad, except for the big ole' crusty rolls.

There has to be a way to do this. I know I CAN do it. It is a matter of not wanting to, and that is just bad.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Krispy the house

'nuff said.

No, wasn't exactly a good weekend food wise. We'll just pass that whole subject.

Today, however, is full of small victories. Cheerios for breakfast (not counting added sugar). Banana for snack. NO CHOCOLATE AS OF YET...and it's 2:41. Drinking water this afternoon.

I've decided that PMS has evil effects, even when it is done. Because, you see, when you are PMSing, you are so bloated and yucky feeling, and when it is done, you feel lighter, and your clothes feel looser. And yet, you get on the scale...and NADA.

Mother Nature has a really cruel streak.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

OK, so not off to such a good start

Yesterday wasn't bad, until the afternoon.

Today started off bad because of panic mode "CRAP I forgot the cookies for the party today". SO, run to Publix before school, no time for breakfast or to grab a lunch, which of course means eating junk. Well, for breakfast anyway. Lunch wasn't too bad.

I need to find something that satisfies my sweet tooth in the afternoons. It tends to want chocolate. Not sure why because I've never been a big chocolate eater.

Lunch wasn't too bad, as I had a BBQ beef sandwich, and baked beans. Could have done without the doughy bread, but it wasn't too bad. But here it is 2pm again, and I want something sweet.

I'll be glad when PMS is done (is it ever...hubby might say no). Maybe that will help me get a grip. I always seem to try and start dieting when my hormones are starting to go haywire and wanting to eat ALL the time. Hopefully soon I won't feel this way.