Thursday, February 14, 2008

OK, so not off to such a good start

Yesterday wasn't bad, until the afternoon.

Today started off bad because of panic mode "CRAP I forgot the cookies for the party today". SO, run to Publix before school, no time for breakfast or to grab a lunch, which of course means eating junk. Well, for breakfast anyway. Lunch wasn't too bad.

I need to find something that satisfies my sweet tooth in the afternoons. It tends to want chocolate. Not sure why because I've never been a big chocolate eater.

Lunch wasn't too bad, as I had a BBQ beef sandwich, and baked beans. Could have done without the doughy bread, but it wasn't too bad. But here it is 2pm again, and I want something sweet.

I'll be glad when PMS is done (is it ever...hubby might say no). Maybe that will help me get a grip. I always seem to try and start dieting when my hormones are starting to go haywire and wanting to eat ALL the time. Hopefully soon I won't feel this way.

1 comment:

Margie @ Smiles Forever Photo said...

You can do it... SO FOCUS and get on track... HUGS, M